Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Soul and Super-body?


With the proximate arrival of X3 AND Superman Returns, I can't help but entertain the usual boyhood daydreaming of having super powers. So to keep me grounded, I thought these might help.

ST I, q. 91, a. 3

ST I, q. 117, a. 3 and 4

Tomaso locates all the cool superpowers I want in God's elevating of our natures for his purposes. Ah man!

And just because I think it would be a really cool book to have. Whiskey? Sapientiae Amator?



windmilltilter said...

So...have a favorite superpower? And is Judges just a 2000+ year old comic book series? I mean Daniel is a classic telekinetic, and Samson, well, need I say more?

Clashing Symbol said...

Samson-ite. I was way off.

As for a favorite superpower, the problem is once I start down the road of "favorites" I get greedy: why not more than one?

But I divest...too much!