Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Preposition



M' Lady's Topsail said...

Brilliant! However, this word is especially versatile grammatically: it can also be a noun, a verb, a comparative, and even, in our rambling modern day usage - filler.

lord_sebastian_flyte said...

I've begun to assume that it's just the natural noise an American human makes when he or she is exhaling between clauses or sentences.

Whiskey said...

Only upon taking a class w/ Dr Maurer did I realize the sublime value of this word.

lord_sebastian_flyte said...

For person as careful about language as him, I think it must express the unceasingly metaphorical nature of language and understanding. All the most important things--the universals--that he or anybody talks about are, like, similes in some way, because we can't know or describe anything universal without reference (likening) to particulars. God is omnipotent only works because we know what a potent ruler is like, etc.