Saturday, February 11, 2006

I must confess


I published a post and then REMOVED it. I know, "shame, shame, shame, no your name." I used to get tired of my own voice, but I didn't realize that I could get tired of my own voice-over as I read what I published. Eck! Why have a blog if it's not going to sound remotely interesting to the potential reader?

The sad thing is that I woke up this morning with an idea for a good post title, but noooooo. So now I have to settle for shameless humor. Unless of course, I go back and...*ouch* what was that?

See what I mean?


M' Lady's Topsail said...

Clashing Symbol, for your 'penance' you must, like, clash! Make a joyful noise and POST! As the pope has said..."Do not be afraid!"

lord_sebastian_flyte said...

It certainly is the attraction of blogging that you can "say something" and then decide "oh for Heaven's sake, I should not have said that!" And then you can change it. That's nice. Unless it leads to a psychological impasse called "technical webloggery dysfunction," when you can't produce anything whatsoever because you second-guess everything. Then you've gone too far, friend.